Common Myths About Hearing Loss and Hearing Aid Devices

Dispelling the common misconceptions can lead more people to hearing health.

Family hearing health represented by child running on beach

Hearing Loss Happens to Old People.

According to AARP, 40% of Americans with hearing loss are under the age of 60. While hearing loss is associated with aging, you can damage your hearing at any age through exposure to excessively loud noises – rock concerts, military service, even too-loud headphones are all common contributors to hearing loss.

I Would Know If I Had Hearing Loss.

Many people with measurable hearing loss are not aware that they have hearing problems. In a Canadian survey, 77% of adults, 86% of youth and 95% of children with at least a slight measurable hearing loss did not report having ever had a hearing loss diagnosis from a healthcare professional.

Your Hearing Loss Is from a Bunch of Rock Concerts Years Ago.

While loud rock concerts and other high decibel activities can be damaging to hearing, hearing health is affected by many different factors (for more information, read the article on Risk Factors Affecting Your Hearing Health under the Birdsong Hearing Care website page), including genetics, smoking, diabetes, and other contributing factors.

My Hearing Loss Isn’t That bad; I’m Used to It, and I Can Get by Just Fine.

Hearing loss is a progressive condition and can occur slowly over a long period of time, meaning you may not realize just how much it’s impacting your daily life. Even mild loss can create a significant impact on your day-to-day, and the faster you address your hearing loss, the better your chances are of a more robust recovery.

Hearing care professionals can program hearing aids to amplify the sounds you’re unable to hear, and enhance what’s left of your hearing abilities, allowing you to once again better enjoy everything going on around you. Once hearing is lost, it cannot be regained so preventive and early intervention is key.

Hearing Loss Isn’t a Serious Health Issue, Just Annoying.

Hearing loss, even mild, can double your risk for dementia, according to experts at Johns Hopkins Medicine. Your ears help you to balance and walk, so untreated hearing loss can put you at a greater risk for falls and other incidental injuries. Hearing health is every bit as important to your total health and well-being as any other facet of your health. (For more information, read the article on Hearing Health is Total Health under the Birdsong Hearing Care website page).

Hearing Loss Can Be Improved Through Surgery.

While sometimes true, medical, or surgical intervention is only able to help in between 5 and 10% of cases, while hearing aids can help almost anyone.

Tinnitus Is an Incurable Disease.

Tinnitus isn’t a disease at all; it’s actually a condition caused by things like exposure to loud noises and neurological damage. While the condition itself is incurable, there are many treatments available to improve your hearing ability and your overall health and wellness. Potential treatments include the outfitting of hearing aids, earwax build-up removal, medication changes and other alternatives.

Hearing Aids Are Big, Ugly and Expensive and Only Work in Certain Situations.

Hearing aid technology has come a long way; hearing aids are now offered in a variety of sizes and types to better suit most everyone. (For more information, see the Technology & Devices page on Birdsong’s website) The use of AI and digital enhancements allow for better volume control, clearer speech, better filtration of background noise and overall, a more enjoyable and natural listening experience. Hearing aids are designed for a variety of lifestyles and situations, at a variety of price points. And, with hearing care benefits from Birdsong, some of your costs will be covered by your plan.

People Will Notice My Hearing Aids and Judge Me for It.

There’s no shame in hearing loss. People will most likely be happy that you’re able to fully understand them. Hearing aid technology has come a long way – there are many incredibly discreet or virtually invisible hearing aids on the market today.